Kimberly Moore receives ARWEY Award at Women's Economic Forum!

Kimberly Moore receives ARWEY award for her charitable initiatives of Kimberly Moore Foundation and it's programs at the Women's Economic Forum on Sunday November 13th at Bacara Resort, Santa Barbara.
The American Riviera Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards are a celebration and acknowledgement of some very dynamic women up to some pretty cool things on this planet! This is a forum for conversation and sharing of insights and wisdom. The luncheon panel discussion "Cultivating The Global Garden" will inspire all in attendance to take BOLD actions to create BIG changes. The diverse viewpoints bring together brilliance from community organizers, non-profits, corporations and entrepreneurs who all desire to make a difference. Other recipients of the ARWEY Award include: Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson and more.. CELEBRATING WOMEN CHANGE AGENTS GLOBALLY
A big thank you to Diane Kelly for the nomination!